An introduction to the seven main chakras and how to work with them The chakras are energy centres within the body that regulate, transfer and emit energy. They control all energy within us and regulate everything from our thoughts to our emotions and physical wellbeing. Although our bodies contain hundreds of chakras, there are only seven main chakras. The main chakras run along the spine and control the energy of the minor chakras around them. The seven main chakras are the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown chakra. They all have their own specific function and purpose, and reside in specific areas of the body. Each chakra vibrates at its own unique frequency and has its own unique colour. Often you will hear people refer to chakras as cone shaped, circular discs or flowers. This is all dependant on the psychic who is viewing the chakras, but I like to describe them as glowing, round energy centres which can morph into any shape that sits right with you. Regardless of the appearance of chakras they are always spinning and usually in a clockwise direction. The wellbeing of our chakras ensure that we are physical, emotionally and spiritually healthy. Here's a quick rundown on the seven main chakras, what they do and which crystals help to balance them. The Root Chakra The Root chakra is located at the base of the spine and is the first chakra in the major chakra system. Our Root chakra is firmly earth based and governs grounding, security and survival. Our connection to the earth through our Root chakra allows us to manifest the emotional and mental into the physical. The Root chakra plays a huge role in psychic protection. It can help protect us from psychic attack from other people and entities, and also psychic psychosis which is where someone loses their grounding when doing spiritual work. The Root chakra is very important in keeping our psychic insight true, honest and in being able to offer us the means to interpret and remember our dreams. Without this chakra our upper chakras become wayward. The meaning in the messages that the upper chakras provide us cannot be interpreted efficiently and correctly if the Root chakra is blocked. The Root chakra responds well to black or dark brown crystals, with these crystals bringing balance to the Root chakra. Black Obsidian, Black Tourmaline and Smoky Quartz are some of the premier Root chakra stones. The Sacral Chakra The Sacral chakra is the second chakra in the major chakra system. Its functions include the governance of the emotional body, sensuality and creativity. Without the Sacral chakra we would have no sense of identity. The Sacral chakra vibrates at the colour frequency of orange, although sometimes it can take on the appearance of the colour blue (orange’s opposite) when activated. This is due to the Sacral chakra’s link to the element of water. Because the Sacral chakra’s element is water, its energy flows freely and without restriction. This makes it the ultimate hub for creativity which in turn allows our mind, body and soul to expand its knowledge. The Sacral chakra naturally opens up when we drink clean, fresh and purified water. Anything that brings a person pleasure will open and balance the Sacral chakra. Sex largely corresponds to this chakra and is the ultimate way to bring balance to it. The Sacral chakra also responds well to deep red and brown crystals such as Carnelian or Tiger’s Eye. The Solar Pelxus Chakra The Solar Plexus is the third chakra in the major chakra system. It governs our personal strength, power and mental capacity. It is a holding ground for etheric cords and determines whether relationships are weak or strong with others. The Solar Plexus chakra has a quick moving, fiery energy as it seeks to update and adjust our personal qualities and belief systems continuously. The Solar Plexus chakra is located just below the sternum. Because of its close proximity to the Heart chakra it is quite often influenced by it. Our Solar Plexus chakra vibrates with the colour yellow which is quite often a particularly bright yellow in most people. The Solar Plexus is one of our most active chakras. It provides us with gut instincts and is also the centre which provides the physical pull which you may feel towards other people. The Solar Plexus can be balanced or imbalanced due to the presence or lack of sun, heat or light energy. The way we portray ourselves to others and how we want others to perceive us is all determined by the Solar Plexus. Our social status lives in the Solar Plexus, so an imbalance or under or over active Solar Plexus, can be a factor in why someone stands at a certain point socially. The Solar Plexus benefits from Amber or Citrine in crystal therapy. The Heart Chakra The Heart chakra is the fourth chakra and is naturally the chakra which governs love. It is the epicentre of feelings, emotions and love in all its forms which is related, but not limited to, self-love, love for others, compassion, kindness, charity and our connection to others. The Heart chakra vibrates at a frequency which produces the colour green, although when viewing the energy of the Heart chakra, particularly in children or babies, the energy can be seen as pink. Because of the Heart chakra’s placing it holds a very important position of power, being the bridge between the spiritual (upper) chakras and the earthly (lower) chakras. This is why the health of the Heart chakra is so important to the whole chakra system. It is also a very sensitive chakra in that it can become imbalanced quite easily given the strain and pressure that the other chakras can put on it. When the upper and lower chakras choose to communicate, their energy must first pass through the Heart chakra in order to reach the other side. In crystal therapy any rose colour will soothe and heal the Heart chakra, most notably rose essence and Rose Quartz. Green crystals such as Aventurine have an even deeper effect on the Heart chakra. A balanced Heart chakra allows a person to experience true love and compassion. It also opens us up to true giving and receiving in loving relationships and movement towards forgiveness. The Throat Chakra The Throat chakra is the fifth chakra and has a primary function of communication. It is located at the base of the throat in most people. The function of the Throat chakra is to bring the messages of the spirit world and our inner selves out into the open. In short, the Throat chakra expresses all the messages and functions of the other chakras. The Throat chakra vibrates at a frequency which produces the colour blue. Regardless of how under or over active this chakra is, its colour frequency tends to remain constant in all people. The Throat chakra thrives on sound. Chanting can expand and balance this chakra beautifully. The Throat chakra can be thought of the chakra which kick-starts the other chakras, as its sound vibrations tend to activate all the other major chakras in the body. A well-balanced and open Throat chakra can emit feelings of extreme trustworthiness to others and is a beautiful quality to hold. So, in this sense our Throat chakra is also our trust centre. In crystal therapy the Throat chakra is nurtured and expanded in a healthy manner through the use of Turquoise. Turquoise allows energy to vibrate at a frequency which allows truth to be communicated, as does lavender. The Third Eye Chakra The Third Eye chakra is the sixth chakra and an important component of psychic development. The Third Eye chakra allows our clair senses, such as clairvoyance, to function to their best ability and is the major centre for intuition and foresight. It vibrates at a frequency which produces a beautiful purple or indigo colour. The Third Eye chakra goes beyond the realms of physicality and allows us to view other subtle realms. It is also the chakra which provides us with imagination. The Third Eye chakra allows us to view subtle messages from other dimensions including the past, the present and the future. It is also the control centre for our intuition and the chakra which sends psychic messages to the other chakras allowing gut instincts in the Solar Plexus to be relayed physically. Our Third Eye chakra has an important connection with the Throat chakra. Without the Throat chakra it would be almost impossible to relay the messages of the Third Eye chakra verbally. Therefore, a blocked Throat chakra can lead to a near useless Third Eye chakra. In crystal therapy Sodalite can balance and heal this chakra. There are also many crystals which can help facilitate psychic vision through this chakra including Lapis Lazuli and Amethyst. This chakra is nurtured and stimulated in a healthy manner through pure air and an increase in body and blood oxygen. Meditation is greatly enhanced when this chakra is functioning at a healthy and optimum level. The Crown Chakra The Crown chakra is our seventh chakra and connects us to the higher realms and The Source. It is located at the top of the head and extends upwards towards the cosmos. The Crown chakra usually vibrates at a frequency which produces the colour violet, although people who have reached a high degree of enlightenment or vibrational frequency often have Crown chakras which vibrate with the purity of bright white light. Our Crown chakra allows us to access higher states of consciousness. Wisdom is only obtained through the Crown chakra. Our Crown chakra also amplifies any work that we do on any of our other chakras. Energetically, the Crown chakra is very closely linked to the Root chakra since they represent the shadow side of each other. Most of the time these two chakras naturally work in synergy; If one of them does happen to fall out of balance with the other it can lead to a complete unbalancing of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual self. One must remain connected to both the earth and the spirit realm to function normally. Fasting can also help this chakra widen and expand at a healthy rate. Clear Quartz is the best crystal to use to heal and balance the Crown chakra. Clear Quartz allows the purity of white light to stream through the whole chakra system and in turn provides tranquillity and balance to the Root chakra.
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