A short guide on how to develop 'clair' abilities for psychic work. Developing Clairvoyance Clairvoyance is loosely translated to mean ‘clear seeing’. Clairvoyance deals in visions and images transmitted through the mind’s eye (the third eye chakra) and brought to the conscious mind of the reader. It is one of the most widely used psychic abilities as it is easier to develop than other clair abilities. A person can be naturally clairvoyant or can develop this skill, which lies dormant in most of us. To develop clairvoyance the best method is through visualisation and meditation. To start, you could try sitting quietly and visualise your lungs expanding and decreasing as you inhale and exhale. Developing clairvoyance can also be done by viewing abstract artwork, and loosely focusing your sight on it to bring forth images and outlines which you may not have seen before. Developing Claircognizance Claircognizance is loosely translated to mean clear knowing. It is a psychic ability which is used in conjunction with other clair abilities, such as clairvoyance (clear seeing) and clairaudience (clear hearing), to confirm the messages coming through. Claircognizance isn’t a difficult ability to master if you have developed other clair abilities within yourself. All it takes is time and practice to develop it. To develop claircognizance is fairly simple and can be as easy as guessing who is calling before you answer the phone. The label of ‘guessing’ is the best way to describe the practice of developing claircognizance as all it takes is the conformation of your guess work to make this ability more powerful as your confidence grows. Developing Clairaudience Clairaudience is translated to mean clear hearing. It is the second most utilised clair ability amongst psychics and one which allows the spirit world to communicate verbally with the psychic. Sometimes clairaudience comes in the form of an actual sound, or in the form of a whisper in the mind. Clairaudience is often strengthened through meditation. When the mind is clear and the surroundings quiet, the spirit world can be heard without distraction. To develop clairaudience a lot of meditation is key to getting this ability working right. Listening to music of different frequencies can also help to soften your hearing and open you up to clairaudience. Developing Clairsentience Clairsentience is translated as clear sensing or clear feeling. It is a skill which all empaths have and which is one of the most underestimated psychic abilities. People who are clairsentient pick up on the feelings of others and can sense spirits and energies in a house or certain place. Developing clairsentience requires a conscious awareness of how the body is feeling. If you get gut instincts, headaches, dizziness, or pains in the body when you are around a certain person or place, then this is your clairsentient ability in action. To test it and develop it further its always an idea to visit old historic places and see if you can pick up on what happened there in the past and what your body reactions are to the place. Love and light xoxo P.S. Need to develop your own clair abilities? Click here to book a reading with me so that I can help you on your own spiritual journey
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