As you may have seen Doreen Virtue released a blog post titled ‘An A-Z List of New Age Practices to Avoid, and Why’. Here is the complete list citing the practices, facts about them and the real reason why you should or shouldn’t avoid them I’ve known for a few years now that Doreen Virtue had dropped her new-age spiritual work and converted to Christianity. Originally this didn’t bother me as I believe that everyone should follow their own path, and whichever belief system brings someone happiness is great, even if these beliefs differ form to my own. So, why have I decided to speak up against Doreen Virtue now? The fact that she made millions of dollars off teachings that she has now denounced is not the problem; her complete condemnation of these practices is though. Which is why her post, that was published on the 21st of January 2019, is a problem for me. Her article: ‘An A-Z list of New-Age Practices to Avoid, and Why’ is very misleading, and belligerent of practices which she once wholeheartedly embraced. The more times I read over Doreen’s list, the more it started to sound repetitive and non-sensical. When you include Harry Potter in a new-age list, it kind of becomes a joke. Much of Doreen’s article fell back on two main messages: that demons are connected to new-age practices, and that God or the Bible state that you shouldn’t use these practices. Many of the verses from the Bible that she quotes are open to interpretation and the connection of them to certain practices lack any real explanation. Much of Doreen’s information has been gathered from one website:, and this site has been referenced throughout her article. There were two surprising realisations that I came to while reading Doreen Virtue’s article over many days. The first was that reading it produced very low-vibration energy. I felt very drained, and needed regular breaks while reading it. The second was quite disturbing in that her list left out one of the most dangerous new-age practices of all, and one that should be avoided: the use of Ouija boards. I was 100% expecting to see this on her A-Z list along with a big write up about the dangers of it. Yet, she only mentions Ouija boards once under the pendulums section. Having this highly dangerous practice absent from the list was very concerning, and unnerving, as the question ‘Why would she leave it out?’ rolled around in my mind. In response to Doreen Virtue’s article I have copied the list, given a truthful account of what each practice entails, and why you should or shouldn’t avoid it. I have taken a stance of education rather than that of trying to induce fear into the reader, as Doreen has done. I have also responded, in some instances, to the mis-information she has used to describe some of these practices. I would recommend that you read Doreen’s article alongside this one so that you can compare the two. (The link to Doreen Virtue’s A-Z list is here.) I have also taken the liberty of including Ouija boards in my A-Z list of new-age practices. Some practices from Doreen’s list, which I consider to be religious practices rather than new-age practices, have been deleted from my list. These relate to Christianity and are practices which I am not entirely familiar with. I also feel no need to defend these. Some of the deleted practices include Christ-Consciousness and Course in Miracles. The short response most of Doreen’s comments regarding demons and new-age practices is that if you ask your guides for protection prior to using some of these tools, then demons or lower vibration energies won’t be able to attach to you. I have labelled each practice as ‘safe’, ‘proceed with caution’ or ‘dangerous’ to give you an idea of how to approach these practices. So, here we go… Affirmations without God (SAFE) Affirmations are the repetition of positive thoughts and sayings. They are a positive step towards bringing you into a healthy state of mind. Self-affirmations have helped many people overcome negative thought patterns which in-turn has increased their own personal happiness as well as the happiness of others around them. If you want to include God in your affirmations and thank God for what you have in your life, then cool. If not, then nothing bad will happen to you. Aliens (SAFE) Aliens are simply other life forms that do not reside on Earth. They are also known as Star children, which some people here on Earth will be familiar with as they may have had an incarnation as a star child/alien previously. We would be considered to be aliens to these other life forms. There is nothing unsafe about the belief in aliens and from my own experience, they actually do exist. Angel Cards (SAFE) Angel cards allow your angels to connect to you in a more literal way. Most decks range from between 40-60 cards and hold positive, uplifting messages. Angel cards are very difficult for negative entities to attach to because they are governed by angels. Any angel work is considered to be white-light work, and in turn white light work will only protect you and bring about good things. When using an angel card deck for the first time, bless them with a prayer and state that only your angels can use them to communicate with you. Angel Numbers (SAFE) Angel numbers appear as a sequence of numbers such as 1111 or 222. These can be present on a number plate, clock or in any other form. Often our angels or spirit guides will bring our attention to these numbers by whispering to our subconscious mind. Angel Readings (SAFE) Angel readings can use angel cards or the channelling abilities of a psychic to bring messages through from one’s angels. Angel readings can bring a sense of peace and understanding of one’s path. Ascended Masters (SAFE) Ascended Masters are people who have passed over that held great spiritual abilities in their living life, and who still hold these abilities. Ascended Masters use these abilities in their spirit form to help others. Ascended Masters can also be beings who weren’t human in their living life. Astral Projection/Travelling (SAFE) Astral projection/travelling is similar to an out-of-body experience and Journeying whereby you can travel across space and time. Although, their are some subtle difference between the three such as the fact that astral projection occurs only on the astral plane. Most people experience involuntary astral projection while sleeping, but it can also become voluntary with practice. The astral plane is a safe plane and you can’t become trapped by demonic strongholds while astral travelling. The silver cord that ties your astral body to your physical body during astral projection can never be severed, so you can’t die during astral travelling. Astrocartography (SAFE) The practice of using astrology to determine where to live. Astrology (SAFE) Astrology uses the planets and stars to determine personality, future predictions and many other things. An astrological natal chart will detail how the planets were placed at the time of your birth, what houses they were sitting in, where zodiac signs were positioned, and whether there are any easy or difficult aspects in your chart. Astrology was first formed around 1700 BC. Because of its age, the practice of astrology has been refined over 3,000 years making it very accurate when charted properly. Astrology is used regularly to help people understand themselves and the events that surround them. Chakras (SAFE) A chakra is a centre of spiritual power within the body. Our chakra system is directly connected to the auric body field (aura), with the two working in conjunction together. There are seven main chakras in the body: the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown chakras. These power points can be felt regularly. For example: when you feel nervous, you’ll feel your solar plexus chakra spin wildly, or when you are afraid to say certain words, your hand will involuntarily go up to your throat chakra. When our chakras are balanced and functioning properly we feel healthy and happy. Channelled Books (PROCEED WITH CAUTION) Channelled Books are books that are written by an author who channels information from a higher source or the spirit world. The bible could be considered to be entirely channelled. My book, The Souls of the Gifted Children, was mostly channelled. Channelled books bring new and exciting information to light. The only thing to remember is to be discerning with channelled books. Some people will label their books as being channelled from a certain entity, when they are not. If a channelled book promotes negative behaviour or ideas then it would be best to leave it on the bookshelf. Channelling (PROCEED WITH CAUTION) There are various levels of channelling including the complete vacation of awareness so a spirit can vacate your mind, the invitation of a spirit to possess the body, or partial vacation of awareness without possession of the body. The later is much safer as it allows you to filter information that comes through and lets you still have complete control of your body and mind. Proceed with caution when channelling: you must spend more time asking for protection and truth from your guides and angels than you do actually channelling. It is unwise to channel anyone or anything other than your own guides, angels or The Source. Only very experienced channellers should practice complete or possession channelling. Crystals (SAFE) Crystals hold a range of emotional, spiritual and physical benefits. Crystals are used for their energetic properties and hold varying energy depending on the type of crystal. All crystals hold high-vibration energy which connects us to internal and external energy. Some crystals could be considered to be super-charged as they hold extremely high-vibrations. Crystals work very well with our chakra and auric body systems as their high-vibrations harmonise with and balance them. Cults (DANGEROUS) A cult promotes false teachings. Cults are generally cause financial distress, emotional distress and physical distress. If you have joined a spiritual group which encourages you to hurt or harm others, distance yourself from family or friends, hand over large amounts of money or assets, worship its leader rather than The Source, your guides or angels, then it is probably a cult. Deities and Divinities (SAFE) Deities and divinities refer to gods and goddesses whom you can worship. For example, Greek mythology includes many deities such as Zeus, Hera and Athena. There is no harm in worshipping the God that you want to or multiple Gods. Divination (SAFE) Divination is the practice of foretelling the future. This can be achieved by using your own intuition and gifts, through using someone else’s gifts such as a psychic or tarot reader, or through the use of divination tools. Divination is growing in popularity as more people become aware of their own ability to do so. Pendulums, tarot cards and scrying dishes are great tool to use for divination. It is always wise to ask your guides and angels for protection prior to any divination work. If you, or the person you are reading for, aren’t meant to know something, or if the information is dangerous to you, then your guides and angels will withhold this information. Do not use divination for personal gains or to harm someone. Dream Catchers (SAFE) Dream catchers catch dreams and act as a filter for good dreams and bad dreams. Dream catchers are usually hung from a window above a bed. The web catches the dreams and filters the good dreams down through the feathers, while the bad dreams are caught in the dream catcher's web and neutralised by the sun during the day. Drumming Circles (SAFE) Drumming circles involve using multiple drums, played by multiple people. The purpose of drumming circles is to bring health benefits to those in the circle, to allow you to worship the sun or the moon, or to enhance psychic abilities and communication from spirit. Doreen Virtue mentions that drumming circles induce a trance-like state. This is not the main purpose of drumming circles, but trance-like states can be achieved in these circles. Earth Angels (SAFE) Earth Angels are angels who are disguised as people. Earth Angels do good deeds within their community and are selfless in their acts. Empowerment (SAFE) Empowerment of the self and of others is simply the lifting of one’s personal power or energy. True empowerment does not aim for worldly success, but to create focus and drive to help others. There is nothing wrong with being your best self. Energy Healing (SAFE) Energy healing allows someone to use universal energy to heal themselves or others. Energy from the universe can be tapped into, and concentrated into an area of the body, to have a positive effect. With practice, anyone can access universal energy to heal others. Some people do seem to have a natural ability to do so though. Entity Group (PROCEED WITH CAUTION) Entity groups are a group of people who channel spirits and pass the messages on to others. It is simply channelling, but on a larger scale. Doreen Virtue describes entity groups as an ego-stroking practice which gives false hope. Sometimes this can be true, which is why entity groups need to be approached with caution as some members may be using the group to boost their own ego. Find an entity group that feels positive and uplifting. If you get any hint of negative behaviour from any members, then it is time to leave the group. Fairies (SAFE) Fairies (also known as sprites) come in many forms. The easiest fairies to see are nature sprites which are usually abundant in a huge forest or in a pretty garden area. You can boost the fairy population in your garden by making it beautiful, colourful, keeping it healthy, and tending to it regularly. Some fairies are mischievous and will play tricks on people, but not where it causes harm. Feng Shui (SAFE) Feng Shui is the practice of creating harmonious, balanced energy in an environment. This is achieved in a number of ways, including taking into account the position that a house sits in, how the furniture is placed and what the general décor is like. Feng Shui originates from China and the practice of it has seen many find good luck, love, money and happiness through its use. Flower of Life (SAFE) The Flower of Life is a geometrical shape which is in complete balance and harmony. It features overlapping circles which produce the shape. The Flower of Life can be used as a meditation tool and can bring enlightenment and knowing to one when practiced with regularly. Goddesses (SAFE) Goddesses, like gods, are deities which help guide us and bring understanding to our lives. There are many goddesses and all of them have their own unique governance over aspects of our world. It is safe to worship or believe in any goddesses or gods you like. Harry Potter (SAFE) Harry Potter is a fictional novel and film series which follows the lives of young wizards and witches. It’s author, J.K. Rowling, is not a practicing witch. Reading or watching Harry Potter films will not bring any harm to you. Horoscopes (SAFE) Horoscopes are a branch of Astrology, and another divination practice which looks into what will occur for someone over certain period of time. Horoscopes look into difficult and harmonious aspects, and foretell main events prior to them occurring. Hypnosis (SAFE) Hypnosis places a person into an altered state of consciousness which allows the hypnotist to modify their behaviour so it takes on a more positive approach. Hypnosis has been successful in helping people quit smoking and drinking, as well as changing a person’s negative view of themselves. Hypnosis should only be performed by an experienced and licenced practitioner, so make sure that you check a person’s credentials prior to being hypnotised. Idols (PROCEED WITH CAUTION) Idols can come in many forms. Some people will choose a god, goddess, other deity, or another living person as an idol. Be cautious of idolising another living person. You’ll need to be sure that their actions and words are pure prior to following them as an idol. Journeying (SAFE) Journeying is similar to astral travelling in that you can travel to any time or place through the practice. The main difference between the two is that Journeying is done with the mind while your entire being is present. Astral travelling is much more difficult to achieve than Journeying, so you may want to practice Journeying prior to attempting astral travelling. It is completely safe to practice Journeying. No demonic force or negative energy can attach to you while doing so. Just remember, as with any spiritual practice to ask your guides and angels for protection first. Law of Attraction (SAFE) The Law of Attraction states that everything that you put out into the universe will come back to you. You can attract both good and bad through the law of attraction. So, if you project negativity and act in a negative manner, then only negative situations and people will come to you. If you put positive energy into the universe, then only positive people and situations will come to you.The law of attraction is based on the ability of the mind to manifest certain circumstances. Once you have mastered the law of attraction you can bring anything you wish into your life. The best scenario to start with when trialling the law of attraction is to attract a convenient car park when going to a busy shopping mall. Once you become good at thinking positively about this, you’ll get the car park you want every time. Mandalas (SAFE) A Mandala is a symbol of Buddhism and Hinduism, both of which are highly enlightened and accepting religions. Mandalas represent the universe as a whole which includes the inner and outer worlds. Mandalas are used to meditate with and can bring healing and knowledge to the user. Manifesting (SAFE) Manifestation is similar to the law of attraction, although its purpose is much more focused. Manifestation refers to one bringing what they want into their life and using the energy of the universe to do so. Thinking positive and consistent thoughts will help manifest or bring something in particular into your life. Cirumstances can be manifested instantly or over years. Meditating without God (SAFE) Like affirmations without God, meditating without God is completely safe. Meditation is the practice of emptying of the mind of all thoughts, cares and concerns. Meditation has been proven to be a wonderful stress-reliever and is recommended by many medical professionals today because of our busy lifestyles. When meditation has been practiced over time, and done regularly, you can gain insight and psychic messages from your guides and angels. Most psychics meditate regularly to help ground themselves, align their energy and enhance or fine-tune their gifts. Mediumship (SAFE) Mediumship is the practice of contacting people who have passed away. This practice tends to bring forth messages from the deceased, including important messages that they didn’t have time to pass on while they were still alive. People also tend to have a different perspective on life when they have passed over into the spirit world. Sharing this with their loved ones not only helps their loved one, but also themselves. Mercury Retrograde (SAFE) Mercury retrograde refers to the backwards motion of Mercury’s path. Although this planet doesn’t literally move backwards, it does appear that way here on Earth during a Mercury retrograde period. Mercury usually retrogrades three times a year, and other planets go into retrograde motion during the year as well. A typical effect of Mercury retrograde is a sudden difficulty in communication over the period (Mercury is the planet which governs communication). This can pertain to technological issues with phones and computers, but can also show in person-to-person communication. Mindfulness (SAFE) Mindfulness is the practice of being aware of what you are doing in the present moment, rather than letting your mind wander towards the past or future. Mindfulness is meditation’s baby sister and has become increasingly popular over the last few years. Where meditation clears the mind, mindfulness focusses the mind. Like meditation, mindfulness is now highly recommended by many health professionals to combat stress, anxiety and depression. Numerology (SAFE) Numerology is the study of numbers, and when used as a practice they can help you understand the world, how you fit into it, and bring insight into the future. In numerology certain numbers represent certain energy. For example, the number 3 can represent celebrations and movement, whereas the number 4 can represent stagnation, boredom or temporary contentment. Numerology is closely linked to the tarot, and tarot cards are individually governed by a number and its meaning. Numerology has been used for centuries to bring luck and positive influences into people’s lives. Another good example of this is in Chinese culture where the number 8 is considered to bring good luck. Oracle Cards (SAFE) Like angel cards, oracle cards bring messages to the user from their angels and guides. Oracle cards vary in their subjects and messages. The majority of oracle card decks, and the messages or information on them, are channelled by their creator. Oracle cards are not so much a divination tool, but a tool which brings enlightenment and growth to the user. Ouija Boards (DANGEROUS) This is the one new-age practice that I’d recommend you avoid. Doreen Virtue has labelled most of the practices on her list as being linked to demons, which is untrue. This is the ONE new-age practice which I would have agreed with her on as being a demonic practice…if she had put it on her list. Ouija boards do seem to attract very negative, low-vibration energy (which you could label as demonic if you want). These energies do tend to stick around for days and sometimes months or years afterwards. Ouija boards were originally created as a sorcery tool to specifically communicate with these negative energies, and for selfish purposes by the practitioners. They have therefore become the go-to tool for these low-vibration energies to use. Do not use Ouija boards under any circumstances. It is simply not worth the risk of a negative attachment. Out-of-Body Experiencing (SAFE) Out-of-body-experiences (also known as an OBE) are where one’s consciousness leaves the body. This is similar to astral travelling, although with astral travelling you are still connected to your physical body through the astral cord. OBEs are usually always involuntary and you can usually see your physical body completely detached from you during it. OBEs are also referred to NDEs sometimes (near death experiences), as the experience is the same, but the cause of the experience is different. Paganism (SAFE) The meaning of the word Paganism is so broad that it incorporates so many different religions and beliefs. In short, Paganism refers to beliefs or ideas that aren’t Christian. This entire list would be considered to be made up of Pagan beliefs, even though some of these practices stem from Buddhism and other religions. Many Christian celebrations are derived from Pagan celebrations. Pantheism (SAFE) Pantheism is the belief that God is everyone and everything. Since everything in the universe is made of energy, and that energy can be manipulated in the same way, including the energy in the spirit world, then Pantheism is a plausible belief system. Past-Life Regression (SAFE) Past life regression deals in the belief of reincarnation. Without reincarnation we wouldn’t be able to view past lives so easily. When past life regression is performed, a person is taken back in time to view one or more of their past lives. Past life regression should be performed by a trained practitioner as the purpose of re-experiencing a past life is to bring healing to that life, and subsequently any imprints from that past life which are affecting your current life. Where the understanding of past lives becomes tricky is when various lifetimes overlap due to them occuring in different dimensions. This is another reason why a past life imprint can sometimes be hard to heal as different lifetimes are playing out at the same time as each other, but in different dimensions. Peace Signs (SAFE) The peace sign was created and designed in 1958 by Gerald Holtom for the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. Gerald was not a practicing Pagan or ‘warrior against God’. Christianity has taken this symbol out of context. In one instance they view the peace sign as an upside-down, broken cross, which they interpret to represent anti-Christianity movements. In another instance they have broken down individual parts of the sign and linked it to Pagan symbology. Using the peace sign is completely safe. Pendulums (SAFE) Pendulums come in many forms. They can be a pointed crystal attached to a chain or a metal point attached to a chain. A ring or other pendant on a necklace can also act as a pendulum. The movement of pendulums is created by spirit guides and angels to give us a yes or no answer. To use a pendulum, you must first ask your guides and angels for protection and then ask them to move the pendulum for you to answer your question. Doreen Virtue mentions that pendulums are similar to Ouija boards, but the two differ in that pendulums won’t move from lower vibration energies, yet Ouija boards will. This could again be due to the original intended use of Ouija boards. Polytheism (SAFE) Polytheism refers to the belief in many different gods. There is nothing wrong or unsafe about believing in many gods. Power Animals (SAFE) Power animals are spirit animals which are guiding and watching over us. They can be considered to be spirit guides, although there are some differences. Power animals tend to protect us and bring out our animal instincts when needed more so than guide us. Psychic Readings (SAFE) Psychic readings cover a vast range of skills and gifts including the clair abilities (such as clairvoyance), channelling and intuition. The skill of the psychic lies in their ability to interpret the messages they receive from spirit correctly. Psychic information does not come from negative forces or energies unless the psychic is blatantly using these energies to gain access to information. What will usually happen in this case is that the psychic won’t last long in the industry due to hurting themselves through this practice. Make sure that you look for a psychic who has a list of ethics that they follow. Reiki (SAFE) Reiki uses universal energy to heal the body, mind and soul. Reiki energy originated in Japan and the energy has been passed down through a lineage of healers (which every reiki practitioner can trace). Reiki courses cannot be taken online as one needs to be attuned by their reiki teacher in-person. Reiki uses symbols to focus this universal energy towards the recipient when the reiki practitioner is still learning and developing their healing. The end goal is for a reiki practitioner to eventually have no need to use the symbols. Reiki is so safe that it is non-contraindicated. Sage (SAFE) Sage is most commonly used to cleanse the energy in a space, on a person or on items. Sage is usually dried and gathered into bundles known as smudge wands. Sage smudge wands are lit and then the smoke gathers negative energy and clears it away. Sage is very safe to use, just make sure you snuff the smudge wand out properly when not in use. Sacred Geometry (SAFE) Sacred geometry is used to reach enlightenment and understanding through the practice of meditating with it. The Flower of Life is considered to be a symbol of sacred geometry. Shamanism (PROCEED WITH CAUTION) Shamanism is a way to connect to all of life's energy, including nature and spirit energy. Usually there is a person who takes on the roll of the Shaman, and this person becomes the intermediary between our world and other worlds. One of Shamanism's core purposes is to bring healing to others. I recommend that you proceed with caution when approaching a Shaman as many people currently label themselves as a Shaman when they are in fact not. Sorcery (DANGEROUS) Sorcery refers to the use of black magik, whether it be through the use of spells, divination or channelling. Although spells, divination and channelling are mostly safe practices, when they are used through sorcery, they become dangerous. Sorcery is usually used to boost someone’s ego or to force their will upon others. It is harmful not only to the person they do this to, but also to themselves. Care also needs to be taken when casting spells as they have a tendency to go wayward quite easily. Manifestation would be a much better approach to bringing what you want into your life. Spirit Guides (SAFE) Spirit guides are spirits who look after our wellbeing, protect us and give us guidance from the spirit world. True spirit guides are usually beings from the spirit world whom we haven’t met in our current lives before. Ancestors of ours are not usually guides. Spirit guides should be called on every time to protect and guide you prior to any divination or new-age work. Sweat Lodges (PROCEED WITH CAUTION) Sweat lodges are another form of divination which induces a state of altered consciousness. Usually a blacked-out tent or room is filled with steam to bring the temperature to a peak, which in turn induces this altered state of consciousness. I have noted that you need to proceed with caution when using sweat lodges as they can have an adverse effect on people who have underlying health conditions such as heart problems. Tapping (SAFE) Tapping is used to rewire the brain to respond to life in a healthier way. It is a practice which has originated from Ancient Chinese acupressure, and which combines this practice with modern psychology. Tapping targets the meridians, or energy points, and rebalances the energy flow within the body while also targeting negative emotions and thought patterns. It has been a successful treatment for stress, anxiety and ongoing emotional turmoil which one can’t seem to break free from. Tarot Cards (SAFE) Tarot cards are a form of divination that help to unlock the secrets or hidden happenings of the past, present and future. Tarot cards usually come in a deck made up of 78 cards (22 in the minor arcana and 56 in the major arcana). Often a tarot reader will use psychic abilities alongside their deck during a reading. Tarot cards are extremely safe. As with any divination tool, be sure to ask your guides and angels for protection and guidance while using them. Unicorns (SAFE) Unicorns are typically portrayed as white or silver horses with a straight, pointed horn on their heads. They are actually an energy entity though. Unicorns have a very high energy vibration and tend to reside in the spiritual world because of this vibration. Unicorns represent innocence, the feminine and the divine. Universe (SAFE) The Universe is the same as God, The Source or any other energy which has a higher power than yourself. Scientifically, The Universe, or God, could be interpreted to be the Big Bang which scientists believe created our universe, solar system, planet and everything else. Vision Board (SAFE) A vision board is simply a collection of photos, cut-outs and words which reflect our wishes and goals. Vision boards are a useful tool to use when using manifestation and the law of attraction as they can bring your focus back to these things regularly. Wicca (SAFE) Wicca is the name given to a neo-pagan religion which originated in the early 1900’s when witchcraft was still illegal. It wasn’t until England’s archaic witchcraft laws were repealed that Wicca came out into the open. Wicca is based around the worship of nature, gods, goddesses, and the sun and lunar phases. Wicca celebrations align with the seasons, harvesting times and Christian celebrations. All Wicca beliefs are derived from old Pagan belief systems. True Wicca uses spells and magik in a balanced, non-harmful way, with the intention of all spells and magik being that no harm will come to anyone or anything from it. Witchcraft (PROCEED WITH CAUTION) Witchcraft is a practice, whereas Wicca is a religion. Witchcraft and sorcery are also similar, but where sorcery deals solely in black magik, witchcraft can be both white and black magik. The practice of witchcraft includes the use of spells, divination, channelling and potions made from nature. Yoga (SAFE) Yoga is an exercise and breathing technique which has originated from Hindu spiritualism. Yoga uses poses, meditation and breathing. The yoga poses show worship towards certain deities, they strengthen certain characteristics of one’s spiritual self, and also strengthen the physical body. The meditation and breathing side of yoga trains the mind to focus and calm down. Different yoga practices are now widely available now days including Bikram and Hatha yoga, and it comes highly recommended by medical professionals. Zodiac Signs (SAFE) Zodiac signs are a part of astrology. There are 12 zodiac signs in astrology and we most commonly refers to zodiac signs as star signs. The zodiac sign which we usually identify with the most is our sun sign, although other zodiac signs appear throughout our natal birth charts. Some people have all of the zodiac signs present in their birth chart, while some people only have four or five present. It varies from person to person. The 12 zodiac signs are: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. To finish off this article I would like to share a quote by Doreen Virtue herself, prior to her conversion to Christianity: “I feel that it is vital that we all re-open our spiritual gifts and open up to the voice of the Divine.” - Doreen Virtue Thank you for reading this post everyone and please feel free to share this article (with referencing). Love and light, Kimberly Stewart
3/2/2019 11:28:22 am
That was an excellent read and I definitely agree with what you have written. I have to wonder where her mind is at with regards to some of her list e.g. Harry Potter and Unicorn?. Good on her for choosing Christianity but I have question why she felt the need to denounce " New Age Spirituality". Typical Christian, everyone else is going to hell and so judgemental of those who do not have the same beliefs.
Beth White
6/2/2019 01:18:09 pm
I am familiar with 'A Course in Miracles' and Christ Consciousness, which is about Metaphysical Christianity, and also with Contemplative Christianity, which Christian Mediation and Lectio Divina, which is reading a Bible verse and being open to God directly sending a message or meaning to you. In other word's you don't have to consult with a Pastor or Priest nor a website such as to directly receive a message from God who loves and cares about all of us.
Susan Cheek
9/2/2019 03:24:19 pm
This A - Z list is fundamentalist, narrow-minded and hateful. The god she follows is not love. I personally explore several nondogmatic spiritual paths, because l don't believe just one can fulfill all of any one individual's needs. If l were to create and follow a religion or spiritual path, it would embody and support open-minded ness and nonjudgmental acceptance of anything that harms no one and no thing.
22/4/2019 03:26:00 pm
I think she needs to focus more on the new testament which is about love and acceptance and the teachings of.Jesus. What she has taken from the bible is very fear based. The list is very strange, I feel sorry for her. I will continue to use Angel Cards, Tarot Cards, read Harry Potter and all the other things on her list that do not stop me being a good person or Catholic
Thanks Kim, i wont lie ever since she posted her new bliefs to attack a spiritual system she once was apart of. I really was stunned. I had to re-deal with my own fear of going to hell because of beliefs as practitioner of Wicca/Neo-paganism and my sexuality once more. I do understand she has the right to change beliefs, but attacking these form of practices is feelings very hypocritical on her part. im trying to find my own place in this world both in everyday matters, and of my spiritual and magical concerns. i will take notice of your warnings. thank you for you online advice.
Gil Garza
18/11/2019 05:16:32 am
Thank you for doing this. I have so many of Doreen's "new age" work. It did make me second guess myself since I'm originally Catholic. Catholics have statues everywhere by the way - probably to create a nicer ambiance and not to literally pray to the actual statue. Geez, I wish she would be on her way with her own journey. She had an impact on millions of people and now its a negative impact however well meaning she intends for it to be. It's all light and love and Jesus was a messenger for that, I'm grateful to Him for that but I'm certainly open to other people's religion and how they get to a kinder, less judgmental, peaceful, loving place in their hearts.
Amanda B
23/11/2019 05:06:50 pm
I have really been researching how to get more in touch with my spirituality. When I was a kid, I used to have very vivid dreams about my grandfather who passed before I was born and he would show me things I had no way of knowing so I could get my message across to my family. However, my family has very strong Christian beliefs and they would not take my messages seriously and considered it a sin for me to believe I was talking to my deceased relative. This was extremely discouraging. I remember being only 5 and closing my eyes and having strong visions. I remember feeling as if my eyes would roll into my head and I could see things. I would say my name in my head over and over and laugh about it because it seemed so foreign to me that I had this new identity like I could just barely remember my past lives or my higher self. So as I grew up I was led to believe more and more that these things were not real and just an overactive imagination of a child. Well now I am 34 and the dreams are coming to me again and I am seeing signs in my daily life that are not simply coincidence. I always felt like I had a strong gift in Claircognizance and I have this ability to predict the outcome of things. My kids get mad at me when we watch movies because I always know exactly what is going to happen next and I have a strong impulse to blurt it out. Lol but it just isn’t that. In my line of work, I work with people everyday and help them battle drug addiction and mental illness, I coach them on how they can plan and execute what they want out of their lives. I have a really good sense of these people and I almost always know if they are serious or are going to succeed. I have a gift for reading people and now I am finding as I am meeting with my clients, I receive random messages that I don’t necessarily understand myself but if I bring it up to them, they know what I mean. I have been able to inspire and make a difference to many people using this ability. With all of that being said, I think it is so debilitating for someone to push their “religious” beliefs on others and make them feel as if they are going to be punished for using the gifts their higher power provided them with. I read through your A-Z list and found it extremely intriguing and empowering. Then I tried to read through Doreen’s list and had to stop because it was causing bad energy in me and I became extremely infuriated. How can u say kids shouldn’t watch or read Harry Potter because it’s really the work of demons? This is exactly the kind of absurd beliefs I was raised on. I remember not being able to watch certain movies and listen to certian music bc it was the work of the devil and it would allow evil to deep into my life. What a bunch of BS that is. In my personal opinion, religious beliefs such as Doreen’s were created for religious leaders to gain power and to keep people from being in touch with their spiritual selfs and learning the truth. These power hungry leaders knew if humans gained the knowledge of the truth and love behind our spirits and higher power, then we no longer would have use for them because we would be able to tap into our spirit on our own. I think when people follow a specific belief such as Doreen and claim that anything outside of those beliefs is the work of evil, is so close minded and completely out of touch. Talk about cults? That’s all religion is!!!! Churches collect money from people and condemn anyone who doesn’t believe in the same teachings that they do. How many people have hurt and harmed one another in the name of religion???? Religions claim that if you don’t baptize your baby before the baby might happen to tragically leave this world, that baby is either sent to hell or limbo. What kind of god would send an innocent life to eternity of torture because of the neglect of the parents to throw them in some holy water. Not my God. I’m sorry for the rant but it just absolutely floors me that people actually follow this type of belief system. The way I see it is I can appreciate, worship and pray to my higher power any time Anywhere. Why would I have to do it on a Sunday in a church while throwing my money in a plate? I show my higher power my gratitude every day by inspiring and helping others become more productive humans and get in touch with who they really are. Doreen is delusional and when I tried to leave a comment letting her know that she had betrayed her true self by turning her back on the gifts she once nurtures and becoming uninformed while using her power to push these ideals on others, her article is now closed to comments. Of course it is because god forbid someone calls her out!!!! Thank you for counteracting the ignorance that has been placed upon humanity and speaking words of truth!! You did us all a favor!
17/1/2020 05:04:40 am
Thank you for this thoughtful article. I am so glad you pointed out the negative energy you felt when reading her original post. I am so aligned with everything you wrote!
Tami Bretz
8/3/2020 04:57:46 am
Thank you for this. I started noticing the change in her teaching also, I thought it was just me
Deb Stanek
8/3/2020 09:25:00 am
Does anyone else think that perhaps she has been possessed?
8/9/2020 05:30:07 am
I don't think she's been possessed. My gut feeling tells me it's about her husband. She wants to keep him so badly she's ready to sacrifice everything if she can only keep him. Including common sense.
24/3/2020 11:43:30 pm
Great article. Doreen didn’t mention the Akashic Records in her list -is she fine with that? And if she really regrets her previous work it would be great if she returned all the money people have spent on her books, cards and courses.
Andrea Clough
23/4/2020 02:05:19 am
Kimberly, you are just a blessing and light in this world and such a continued comfort. As an empath myself, when I learned Doreen Virture denounced all New Age and created this list, I was broken. I was questioning myself. I too felt dirty and down after reading her list. It's taken a lot of self questioning on my part. I have since started to come back to my true being and now realize her decisions do not affect me. I know the truth and God is love and light. I wasn't created this way "by mistake". I'm not a demon! (I felt this way after reading her list, due to my gift!!) That's fine that she's chosen Christianity, but there's no need for her to be so judgemental, and she has got to remember she was a public figure with "fans". Where's her empathy for everyone who's questioning her? What about her animal sanctuary? Thank you so very much again for bringing to LIGHT the truth, as always!
30/4/2020 06:22:55 am
This list is brilliant. There are a lot of evangelist sects. I do not understand why Doreen after her beautiful experience with Christ has to bring along all this dark judgmental energy. It gives a horrible image of Christianity. It looks very radical to me and very sad to observe. And she doesn't look as pretty as before. She looked so much more inspiring before all in blue. I miss the unicorns. She is becoming a in boring bigot.
Beth Grixti
10/6/2020 07:04:27 am
Thank you for this! When Doreen speaks about what caused her to shift, she says she saw Jesus, he didn’t speak, but she felt inspired to read the bible. That’s where everything changed. What I don’t understand is how she can call something a demon, when she also says we can never know what is a demon because of the deception.
Carolyn Thomas
4/12/2020 04:33:40 pm
Thank You so much for your artical. It has made me feel a lot better about Doreens actions.
16/11/2021 07:24:07 pm
Thank you for this post. It was informative. I appreciate how you listed certain practices as safe or proceed with caution or dangerous. Everything you said resonated with me. You weren’t biased or “pro” everything. You objectively looked at a list of practices and stated in your expert opinion whether they were safe or not or to be cautious about. I remember reading her list and yea it hurt my feelings. Harry Potter, huh? That’s funny. I don’t know why I don’t remember that one.
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