Anxiety is a common problem amongst society nowadays. If you are looking for a natural way to help curb your anxiety then try these five crystals to help calm and heal. DANBURITE Danburite is a master healer crystal and is also known as one of the ‘synergy twelve’ stones. The synergy twelve stones are extremely high vibration crystals which offer unique and powerful healing qualities. Danburite helps to dispel anxiety by calming the mind. It slows down the cycle of self-doubt and worry and tells the heart that everything is okay. Danburite is also backed up by its association and connection to the angelic realm. It is often used to help people access wisdom from angels and travel to where our angels reside. With this energy present in all danburite crystals, you can be sure that the angels will help you will-away anxiety. Danburite is especially powerful in relieving anxiety and worry when used in conjunction with lepidolite. BLUE LACE AGATE Blue lace agate is usually used to help treat migraines and headaches. But, its other misunderstood use is to help treat anxiety. Blue lace agate is a slow-action crystal and does not directly treat the symptoms of anxiety. What it does do is treat one of the underlying causes of anxiety, which is finding one’s voice. Because anxiety is often experienced by those who have a gentler manner, its soothing nature dispels self-doubt and brings confidence to the user. In turn this helps to alleviate anxiety which is attached to the opinions of other people and helps the user live life only through the approval of their own conscience. To reap the benefits of blue lace agate it must be used long term. A necklace or piece which can be kept in your pocket are the best ways to keep blue lace agate around you often. AMETHYST Amethyst is usually used to help treat addictions, whether it be smoking, alcohol or drug addictions. Amethyst not only treats physical addictions but can also be used to help treat addictions of the heart, such as obsessions with certain people. When using amethyst to treat anxiety it’s energy is focused of clearing the addictive thought patterns which so often cause anxiety. Because anxiety is manifested and grown through negative thought patterns, the cycle must be stopped in order to alleviate the problem. This is where amethyst comes in handy for anxiety sufferers. Amethyst is also a crystal which enhances the energy of other crystals, therefore adding multiple properties to other anti-anxiety stones. It harmonises particularly well with pyrite when used to treat anxiety. LEPIDOLITE Lithium is a mineral which curbs anxiety, and lepidolite has it in droves! Lepidolite not only helps to dispel anxiety on a physical level but also emotionally. Its energy draws out emotional distress to help balance the emotional body, while at the same time emitting calming vibrations to the user. Raw lepidolite is the best form of lepidolite to use for anxiety. To make the most of raw lepidolite it is best to sleep with it under your pillow or grasp it during times of extreme anxiety or panic attacks. It is a ‘flaky’ crystal though and must be handled with care. Often when the lepidolite crystal has drawn out too much anxiety it will completely crumble. In this instance it’s time to get a new piece. PYRITE Pyrite works on the solar plexus chakra and tackles the problem of fear. Because fear is often a cause of anxiety, pyrite is a great crystal to use to help treat it. Pyrite emits a ‘can-do’ attitude to the user and enhances one’s willpower. This almost gold coloured crystal also pushes the user to take on a positive attitude. When used with dark crystals such as black obsidian, pyrite’s grounding properties are enhanced. This helps to bring the user back down to earth and take on a realistic view of perceived problems which have led to the anxiety.
1 Comment
19/12/2019 05:43:13 pm
Very helpful information
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